The perfect place to learn the basics and get ready to use CoSpaces Edu!
This FREE online course teaches educators all the basic knowledge needed to implement CoSpaces Edu and use it in the classroom.
Learn moreFor their first class, students create a virtual presentation CoSpace introducing who they are.
Get this resourcePupils learn about the seasons cycle using the four sides of the MERGE Cube.
Get this resourceStudents design their learning environment at the beginning of the school year.
Get this resourceStudents work with guidelines and examples allowing them to take charge of their own learning.
Get this resourceYour class creates an online art gallery with other students in classrooms from different areas of the world.
Get this resourceChildren learn classroom rules and procedures through the creation of a 360° CoSpace.
Get this resourceTeachers introduce their students to the class objectives and rules for the school year.
Get this resourceStudents create a quiz based on a subject they research or learned about.
Get this resourceStudents design their VR name tag in a way that represents them.
Get this resourceKids learn to import 3D objects and recreate their favorite place in the world or a dream place.
Get this resourceChildren recreate famous artwork that they can then hold in their hands.
Get this resourceKids learn how to use building blocks like bricks to create complex structures from.
Get this resourceStudents create a virtual seating plan in CoSpaces Edu on their first day of school.
Get this resourceKids re-create virtually the last meals they ate and share them with other kids around the world.
Get this resourceStudents create a quiz based on a subject they research or learned about.
Get this resourceStudents design their VR name tag in a way that represents them.
Get this resourceFor their first class, students create a virtual presentation CoSpace introducing who they are.
Get this resourceKids learn to import 3D objects and recreate their favorite place in the world or a dream place.
Get this resourcePupils learn about the seasons cycle using the four sides of the MERGE Cube.
Get this resourceChildren recreate famous artwork that they can then hold in their hands.
Get this resourceStudents work with guidelines and examples allowing them to take charge of their own learning.
Get this resourceKids learn how to use building blocks like bricks to create complex structures from.
Get this resourceStudents design their learning environment at the beginning of the school year.
Get this resourceStudents create a virtual seating plan in CoSpaces Edu on their first day of school.
Get this resourceYour class creates an online art gallery with other students in classrooms from different areas of the world.
Get this resourceKids re-create virtually the last meals they ate and share them with other kids around the world.
Get this resourceChildren learn classroom rules and procedures through the creation of a 360° CoSpace.
Get this resourceTeachers introduce their students to the class objectives and rules for the school year.
Get this resourceTry out some of the key applications of CoSpaces Edu
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