Hold your creations in your hands
Project creations made with CoSpaces Edu onto the MERGE Cube with your smartphone or tablet to turn it into a hologram.
Hold the cube in your hand, move it around and interact with it!
The MERGE Cube add-on for CoSpaces Edu Pro lets you build your own creations for the MERGE Cube.
Place content anywhere on, inside and around a virtual cube to create your own hologram.
Playing games on the MERGE Cube is so much fun!
Children play mini-games by physically interacting with the learning material placed on the MERGE Cube.
The MERGE Cube is a great device to experience interactive stories.
The six sides of the MERGE Cube can even be used to go through Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories.
The 3D tactility of the MERGE Cube can be helpful to visualize and better understand topics in STEM classes.
A great way for kids to understand physics concepts through embodied learning!
Interact with holograms, 3D objects and learning experiences on the MERGE Cube.
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