For immersive and embodied learning experiences
Discovering and exploring 3D creations in VR can add value to the learning experience and is a major motivation factor, as it enables students to get immersed in their creations.
Use a VR headset with CoSpaces Edu and let the class dive into their projects!
Augmented Reality lets students project their own creations onto any plane surface in the real world, by looking through the screen of their device.
Offering new possibilities in the classroom, AR can be used in any subject to boost student engagement and collaboration.
Students can also use the MERGE Cube and turn it into a hologram that they can hold in their own hands!
Through the ability to physically interact with the MERGE Cube, embodied learning adds another dimension to the student experience.
Give a new dimension to the curriculum by adapting it to fit the latest technologies and making it more engaging and interactive.
VR and AR can be used to modernize the study material or as a complement to traditional teaching methods, by letting kids create virtual projects based on their learnings.
Create, don't just consume!
Enable kids to become makers, creators, and inventors, not just consumers of content.
By giving them a space to create VR and AR content, you're opening a new perspective on multimedia and the learning matter today.
Build an immersive virtual tour and get immersed in VR!
Kids can upload their own 360° photos into CoSpaces Edu to build unique virtual tours and even add text and more details.
Create virtual exhibitions on any topic and dive in with VR!
This activity can be adapted to many subjects and lesson plans to fit the curriculum, from vocabulary learning to scientific exhibitions or art galleries.
Step into the future of gaming with VR and AR!
Whether creating their own games and learning to code or just having fun, students will enjoy playing in a virtual and immersive dimension.
Virtual Reality revolutionizes storytelling as it allows for an immersive and interactive experience.
Using CoSpaces Edu, kids can create their own VR stories and share them with others.
Interact with holograms, 3D objects and learning experiences on the MERGE Cube.
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