Red axis of this Transform
Green axis of this Transform
Blue axis of this Transform
Shorthand for Y
- axis.
Note: By default, DX Engine uses the green Y
axis as forward vector.
Shorthand for X
- axis.
Note: By default, DX Engine uses the red X
axis as right vector.
Shorthand for Z
- axis.
Note: By default, DX Engine uses the Z
axis as up vector.
Additively applies values of another Transform
to this Transform
to add values from.
Returns a new Transform
created by combining this and other
to add values from.
new Transform
Returns a copy of this Transform
copy of this Transform
Inverts all values of this Transform
Rotates this Transform
so that the forward vector points to the worldPosition
Note: By default, DX engine uses Y
axis as forward vector.
Rotates this Transform
so that the forward vector points to the worldPosition
Note: By default, DX engine uses Y
axis as forward vector.
point to look at.
Multiplies this Transform
current scale by scale
Rotates this Transform
by angleInRadians
around an origin
point using axis
as rotation direction.
world space position to rotate around.
rotation axis.
rotation in radians.
Rotates this Transform
by angleInRadians
around world position (0,0,0)
towards axis
rotation axis.
rotation in radians.
Rotates this Transform
by angleInRadians
around an offset
towards axis
offset relative to current position.
rotation axis.
rotation in radians.
Rotates this Transform
by angleInRadians
around its pivot towards axis
rotation axis.
rotation in radians.
Sets values of this Transform
to another Transform
to copy values from.
Rotates this Transform
so that
-axis points towards the defined direction
-axis points towards the worldUp
direction.Note: The local Z
-axis always attempts to be perpendicular to Y
, which may lead to
not always accurately pointed at.
Rotates this Transform
so that
-axis points towards the defined direction
.Swaps Y
and Z
axes of this `Transform.
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines the position, scale and rotation of an item.
can be assigned to a BaseItem.parent which allows hierarchical editing of their position, scale and rotation. Created hierarchies are displayed in the Item Hierarchy tab.